Criança e Consumo

Criança e Consumo

The objective of Criança e Consumo – Child and Consumerism – program is to disseminate and debate issues related to advertising to children, as well as to point out ways in which to minimize and prevent damages resulting from this marketing communication strategy.

Established in 2006, this multidisciplinary program operates in different spheres of activity to promote the theme and encourage debate. The program takes in the complaint of parents and educators, and responds through legal action, research, education and advocacy to influence public policy formulation and the extensive debate in civil society.

The Feira de Trocas de Brinquedos (fair to exchange toys) is a mobilization campaign part of the Children and Consumerism program. Its goal is to lead to a reflection on consumerism and allow children to give new meaning to their own toys. Launched in 2012, the Toy Exchange’s website encourages and contributes, through supporting material, to the autonomous organization of fairs throughout Brazil. 51 fairs were organized in the first year alone. In 2015 there were another 60 fairs, including one in London, England.




Why advertising is bad for children
Why advertising is bad for children
Why advertising is bad for children
What to do to protect our children from consumerism
What to do to protect our children from consumerism
What to do to protect our children from consumerism